“I’ve been a fan for a hot minute — lead Cosmonaut Justin Collins’ contributions to the Diamond Rugs oeuvre are impeccable, and his shenanigans with The Buddies are unmatched — but ever since I caught the crew opening up for D-Rugs this spring, my excitement has been unquenchable. Collins has a golden throat coated in nicotine and whiskey, a dark croon that feels like it escaped from the tape deck on an ancient alien’s spaceship and perfectly complements his off-kilter take on classic pop composition.”

— SEAN L. MALONEY, Nashville Scene

“If you want to see a real punk band, not some indie band that calls themselves that because they use fuzz pedals and wear Converse, then Justin & the Cosmics is the band you need to see. There’s the Clash, the Modern Lovers, and even that original punk, Elvis, all in their sound. Collins is a sneering amalgam of, like, every early American male badass; Johnny Cash, James Dean, Elvis, and Dylan are all there. His voice was gritty and snotty and at moments drifted into southern rockabilly inflections. If you’re looking for the great punk-influenced rock and roll in Nashville, this band was smarter, were better performers, and more authentic than all the groups of children hardly old enough to drink that constantly get buzz as the best ‘punk’ groups in town.”

— JACQUI SAHAGIAN, No Country For New Nashville